When Kerryn came to us 12 weeks ago to help her with the final part of her build to her first Ironman, our goal was to ultimately hear the words at the finish-line “YOU ARE AN IRONMAN!” And not only did Kerryn hear those magical words, the follow day it was followed with “YOU’RE HEADING TO THE WORLD CHAMPS!” “I still can’t believe that!” she said after she qualified.
Kerryn had a fantastic 3 months leading into Busso. We’d done enough to feel confident and capable, but not too much that we over cooked it. We logged some big training days (and weeks) in preparation, trialled and dialled in nutrition, done the heat prep and planned for all the ‘what if’s’ that can happen in an Ironman race day…
“Completing Ironman Western Australia in Busselton was one of the most physically and mentally demanding things I’ve done but also equally the most rewarding. It was capped off when I received a qualifying slot for Kona…I still can’t believe that!
Overall, for me, it was about finishing my first ironman and ideally hoping to do it in 12.5-13 hours. I found the windy conditions tough, so to sneak in at 12 hours 58 minutes was a relief! It was my first ever marathon and I wasn’t sure how I’d go doing it off the back of the swim and ride. I’m proud to have run most of it. I realised it was going to be touch and go on the last few km to get under 13 hours, so I told my brain and legs to shut up and ignore the pain I was feeling so I could pick the pace back up! Running along the famous foreshore past the crowds in that last km is something I’ll always remember and I felt like I was flying! 😀
Thanks to Sarah for your coaching support over the past months to help me achieve this goal. I’ve learnt a lot from you.
I’m looking forward to the next chapter and training for Kona… but also looking forward to a little break and eating icecream! I also now appreciate what the ‘post-Ironman walk’ feels like!” ~Kerryn
Swim: 1:38
Bike: 6:27
Run: 4:37
Overall: 12:58.11
Congrats again Kerryn, welcome to the IRONMAN club! And here’s to another Ironman build next year! ;-p