Athlete Profile: Simon Mason

Local to Coach Sarah, Simon gets the added benefit of face to face coaching, as well as great weekly mini tris thanks to the local tri club. This keeps training fun and enjoyable, being able to train and race along side others while still chasing his own goals. Super important for an athlete who has been in the sport for a long time but still chasing to get the most out of himself.

Name: Simon Mason

Nickname: Simon ;-p

Age / Age Group: 56

Lives: Regional Victoria

Targeted Sport: Triathlon

Years in the Sport: 16 years – and counting !

How did you get started: I had always been curious about triathlon, and one day decided to give it go.

Why I choose CPC: The face – to – face coaching (bonus!)

What I ‘get’ from my sport: Helps clear my head after work (I don’t feel so bad if I have a drink on the weekend). I enjoy the journey…..

Ultimate Goal:  Be a good partner, father and person
(this is probably my fav answer yet!)

What I couldn’t live without: Good coffee!

Biggest love: Kaye

Pet peeve!: Dishonesty

Interesting fact about me: I still barefoot ski every year. 🙂

Socials: Feel free to follow Simon on socials!

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