How are you tackling your current training with no ‘real’ races on the horizon? Are you finding it hard to keep motivated? Not sure which direction to take your training? Feel like you are just ‘fumbling’ your way through? Up until recently, we were all probably sitting in ‘hope’, continuing our training, hoping that things will start to shift, the state and country will start to open up, and things will start to return to ‘normal’ – and with is, races would start to happen. For some people around the country, this is slowly starting to happen, but for those of us in Victoria (and some other states), we have come to the realisation that we won’t be seeing any further mass participation events in 2020. It’s just impossible to see this happening. If there is, that is a massive bonus and something to celebrate, but we are now under the assumption that there won’t be any. Most of my athletes have already taken credit or deferred their race entries that were scheduled over the next few months, (of which I recommended my athletes do). In the event and on the off chance that a race does happen to pop up, then bonus, we can look at entering then, but in the mean time, we are best to have the flexibility (and the credit) in our own hands . We know Tri Vic have are still hoping for the Tri Vic Dualthon Champs to happen 18 Oct, and Ironman Melbourne hasn’t been officially cancelled yet either – and we can only hope that things change that these may go ahead. BUT by not cancelling yet, this can often just be more a formality / legality reason, (ie they need to wait to be advised by the governing bodies they can’t be held to then cancel/postpone, otherwise a refund would be required) So yes, we can hope they may still happen, but we as a team and not just sitting around waiting in hope. |
So what are we doing about it?
As a group and as a Coach, we’ve had to shift and we’ve had to adapt. Just like all of us have had to do in varying aspects of our lives. We haven’t just continued on our merry way, on the same trajectory as if nothing has happened. We’ve had to evolve, to grow, to learn and to create our own new ‘normal’. We’ve grown as a team and with that, our athletes are going to grow and evolve and they will emerge stronger out the other side of ‘this’.
So I thought I’d share an insight into how we are tackling this first half of the ‘racing season’ so you too can check in to see if the work you are doing now is helping you emerge stronger. That the training you are doing now is not going to waste… Because by retaining structure and purpose in your training, you WILL emerge stronger from this period and WILL be a more robust and resilient athlete in the long run. What you are doing now is not just setting you up for this season, it is setting you up for 2021 and beyond. As I posted on our FB page recently on in my ‘Monday Musings’- in case you missed it:
“A random approach to training (and life) will result in random results”…

SO – here are some of the key areas our athletes are focusing on over the coming months to help ensure they are continuing to improve, evolve and become stronger and more resilient athletes – now, and into the future. And if you don’t have a plan in place, if you are simply ‘exercising’ – then NOW is as good as time as any to get back on track…… FOCUS ON FUNDAMENTALS: We shall continue to focus on the key fundamentals, strength, endurance, resilience while layering in some race specific work as we continue to work through our build phase and then into the first part of our race season. Although our ‘off’ season has been extended, this has meant we have had MORE time working on these fundamentals (a GOOD thing!) BUILDING: We won’t just sit ‘idling’ and waiting for the race season to return, we WILL be building up to a little peak in Oct/Nov, after which in December most athletes will have a little ‘reset’, some fun, a change to the structure – mentally refreshing the mind and body. Just like you may/would have if there were races at this time. Because we can’t be at our peak ALL the time. RACING! Our own virtual Challenges and events (and any others) will help us work up to this peak. So get excited about these! Push towards them so you can see the hard work unfold! REFRESH & RACE: After a little ‘refresh’ we will then head into the second phase of our race build into the back half of the season. This is where we are aiming for athletes to truly peak for the season / year. Not now. Not in Oct / Nov, but in the new year, the second half of the season. When we anticipate for real world races to be upon us!. And that’s exciting! RECOVER, REFLECT, RELOAD: And then, just like after any racing season. We’ll return to a recovery phase again. Recovering, reflecting, and then getting to reload. TRUST & ENJOY! So trust in the process. ENJOY the process. Ultimately we all do this for the enjoyment. The sense of achievement. The feeling it gives us. So go back to that. Remember why you started. Take the pressure off and simply enjoy the process…. **To find out how you can join us in our upcoming challenges, live coached virtual sessions, virtual at home swim, yoga, mobility and S&C sessions or find out more about our coaching and programming, simply send me an email: |

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Sarah is the Director & Head Coach at Complete Per4mance Coaching. Born out of the desire and passion to not just coach but to educate athletes, Sarah shares her 10+ years of coaching and racing experience, knowledge and education with athletes of all levels to help them achieve their optimal performance while maintaining a balanced, happy and healthy life.
Contact Sarah to discuss training options for you.