An athlete returning to endurance sport and ready to see what her body is capable of in the cycling world. But don’t discount triathlon again just yet ! …. With a love for discipline, chasing goals and seeing results, Stef has shown that dedication and drive can take you a long way in life – no matter which path you take…
Name: Stef Rankin
Nickname: No nicknames – Stef will do nicely!
Age / Age Group: 45-49
Lives: Ashwood, Vic
Targeted Sport: Cycling, via Triathlon, Pole Dancing and Bodybuilding!
Years in the Sport: Six years, followed by a six year or so hiatus
How did you get started: I was introduced to triathlon by a guy I was seeing for a while and enjoyed the sense of community and the energy of the events. I later signed up for my first mini tri and swimming lessons on the same day! As a 32 year old I had decided that it was time that I learned how to swim properly (passably?!) and signing up for a race was a good motivator to make it happen 😀
Why I choose CPC: I knew of Sarah and her coaching style through the Victorian triathlon scene and whilst I didn’t know her personally, her approach and the community that she appeared to be building with CPC definitely appealed, in addition to her experience and the well rounded service that she offered. I’m really excited to see where I can go!
What I ‘get’ from my sport: Like so many would say I’m sure, training gives me energy, keeps me sane, and allows me to set and strive for sporting goals which may perhaps initially seem unachievable. I love the discipline of structured training and the feeling that hitting milestones, PBs and goals gives me. Now that my son is older (six and a half) I also love to share some of my active lifestyle with him – last year we did Run the Rock out at Mt Macedon together and crossing the finish line of the kids run with him was absolute gold. I also greatly appreciate the community spirit and the camaraderie that comes from being around people who have similar goals and aspirations.
Ultimate Goal: From a sporting perspective, at the moment my ultimate goal is to safely – and strongly (if you can put it like that!) – complete Peaks Challenge well within the cut off time; I’m also toying with the idea of throwing my hat in the ring for ITT, because who doesn’t enjoy feeling like their lungs and legs are going to part company with you?!
What I couldn’t live without: Ooooh that’s a tough one. At the moment, my nightly fruit, cheese and dark mint chocolate late snack?!
Biggest love: Well, for a love like no other, I can’t look beyond my son, Parker. Otherwise, as odd a choice as this may seem – progression. Getting stronger, getting faster, seeing results, seeing change, whether in cycling, running, bodybuilding. life in general.
Pet peeve!: Not a peeve per se but I have a rather irrational and very intense dislike of the song, Holy Grail by the Hunters and Collectors. Can’t stand it lol.
Interesting fact about me: Ha I’m not very interesting, however I’m a sucker for creativity and after giving up triathlon I danced and did burlesque for three years, got into competitive bodybuilding, and started making elaborate cakes, fondant cookies, costumes etc. Love colour and sparkle!!
Socials: Instagram