If there is a sport, Al has probably tried it! In her spare time she loves to train on two wheels, but during her working hours she’s a lover of 4 hooves. An accomplished athlete in so many ways overcoming many battles along the way she never ceases to amaze.
Name: Alison Faulkner
Nickname: Al
Age / Age Group: Under 30
Lives: Woodend, Vic
Targeted Sport: Ocean Swimming / Triathlon
Years in the Sport: 12
How I started: I did a ‘come and tri’ program at school, and have been in and out of the sport ever since.
Why I choose CPC: Followed Sarah for the past 11 years as she has coached me all those years through thick and thin
What I ‘get’ from my sport: It has created so many opportunities in my life and a lot of travel opportunities too !
Ultimate Goal: Make it back to a world champs in the near future!
What I couldn’t live without: My Pets!
Biggest love: Sport! It’s in my blood. 🙂
Pet peeve!: Injuries… :-/
Interesting fact about me: Horse riding is my life outside of triathlon