A mum with a high work ethic and dedication to improving herself, she has raced from sprint through to Ironman, and gains so much more from her sport than just the finishers medal….
Name: Narelle Crooks
Nickname: Crooksie (no explanation required!)
Age / Age Group: Just moved up to 45-49.
Lives: Elwood Melbourne. Nice and close for riding Beach Rd!
Targeted Sport: Right now triathlon, although this might be changing in the near future…..
Years in the Sport: 11 on and off due to having Mitchell and managing injuries / the body.
How did you get started: : I had always wanted to “try a tri”, however I never swam and only rode a bike occasionally but had started to run, including doing Run 4 the Kids and the Melbourne Half Marathon. One day I mentioned this to a triathlete at work and he suggested joining Tri Alliance as they had a great beginners program. All went pretty well other than my first swim session where I felt so useless that I nearly didn’t go back. Lucky I did though, as there have been lots of great moments and friendships formed over the past 11 years. Including the most important one with Nathan (hubby!) 🙂
Why I choose CPC: Sarah was one of the coaches when I first started in the sport and when I moved to a personal program coming back from injury she always managed to get the best out of me. Over the years we have became good friends and when she moved on from the club I really missed her and her coaching style. Anyway fast forward a few years and I decided to change things up a bit so called Sarah to see if she would take me on again. The best bit about CPC and Sarah’s style is that she motivates and pushes you outside of your comfort zone but at the same time understands that you have a life outside of triathlon and plans around that.
What I ‘get’ from my sport: There are so many ways that sport benefits me but two that I want to share:
- My sport is about me. When I am out training or racing I am not a someone’s leader or colleague, I am not someone’s partner or mother, I am just me out doing it for myself.
- All the people I have met through the sport and the amazing friends that I have made. I love being able to jump on the bike, meet up with friends and just go for a ride (and maybe a coffee too!).
Ultimate Goal: Continue to challenge myself but enjoy it at the same time.
What I couldn’t live without: My coffee machine!
Biggest love: My family (and maybe my coffee machine).
Pet peeve!: Men who cut in on me at traffic lights after I’ve passed them only to slow back down again once they get in front…I’m sorry but it happens way too often on Beach Rd!
Interesting fact about me: I signed up to do the my first (and only) Ironman when Mitchell was only 6 weeks old…crazy!!