An Irishman now living in a town smaller than most triathlons get entries… The idea of Ironman was born after volunteering at Ironman Melbourne, and is now on a mission to that finish line…
Name: liver (Ollie) McNulty
Nickname: Thankfully no one knows some of my nicknames growing up. I occasionally get called Irish (Imaginative) or Big O not that I understand what that means either…
Age / Age Group: 45+
Lives: I moved from Ireland to Echuca, from there to SwanHill, Deniliquin and now Balranald NSW. I reckon I have found one of the smallest Councils now to work in (give balranald a google!), next step will be to move back to civilisation in a few years. 😉
Targeted Sport: Triathlon
Years in the Sport: I did my first splash and dash 5 years ago
How did you get started: Working in Council I helped the Tri Club get ready for the Echuca Tri. I got to know some of the local legends of Tri and they convinced me to volunteer at Ironman Melbourne for 2 years before I took the plunge myself at the end of 2015 to tri a triathlon. I was an ex footballer looking for a reason to push myself.
Why I choose CPC: I was introduced to Sarah when I did Busso in 2016. I liked her approach and I was keen to get started with a coach. Over the past five years I have some work and life challenges and Sarah always takes this on board. She is more than just a coach as she recognises that life can sometimes get in the way and that coaching and training needs to be flexible. Sarah is a coach, at times a councillor and a mate. She looks out for all her athletes.
What I ‘get’ from my sport: Sport has always been a massive part of my life. I love all sports, watching and taking part. It is also a great way to get to know people and develop social circles. When I am finding times hard its a great way to relax and stop the mind from spinning.
Ultimate Goal: To become an Ironman.
What I couldn’t live without: Zwift and Zoom with my family being spread across the world it has been so important this past year
Biggest love: Family
Pet peeve!: Armchair critcs
Interesting fact about me: I have 8 brothers and sisters. 2 in Australia 2 in America and the rest back in Ireland.